Administrative assistant M/W

Publiée le 15/05/2024

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Hays Luxembourg

Temps de travail
Type de contrat
Expérience professionnelle
Niveau d'étude

An administrative position is now available within a prestigious institution !

Within a prestigious international financial institution, the Administrative Assistant reports to the Head of Division and/or the Head of Unit, supports the smooth running of activities by providing secretarial and administrative assistance to the Head of Division and/or the Head of Unit and is the back-up of the other Administrative Assistants of the Department.
The Administrative Assistant provides assistance to the team members as well as acts as back-up of the other teams' assistants in their absence.

Responsibilities :

  • Organising meetings in Luxembourg with external counterparts;
  • Organising business trips and preparing the relevant expense reports;
  • Preparing presentations, due diligence dossiers and letters to external counterparts;
  • Preparing, distributing and following up reports and notes, including overview tables and quarterly reports when needed;
  • Organise team meetings, take & dispatch meeting minutes;
  • Drafting routine correspondence and editing materials;
  • Undertake related electronics (using the internal data storage system) and paper filing;
  • Communicate efficiently (face-to-face, phone, email) with the team members but also with internal as well as external clients; cooperate with the other teams' assistants and other interfaces;
  • Create and process requisitions/purchase orders/receipts for conference attendance, business meals, other relevant expenses;
  • Follow up on internal documentation throughout the approval process;
  • Produce and process counterparty consultation letters as required by the organisation's procedures.

  • Certified secondary level education;
  • Any additional certifications indicating specialisation would be an advantage;
  • Relevant administrative experience in a financial or audit environment and understanding of financial documentation;
  • Excellent knowledge of standard computer tools and MS Office tools (particularly Excel and PowerPoint);
  • Excellent written and spoken English; knowledge of French and/or other EU languages would be an advantage.


  • Excellent organisational skills;
  • Excellent prioritisation skills;
  • Excellent team spirit and interpersonal skills;
  • Excellent verbal and written communication;
  • Strong sense of responsibility and initiative;
  • Ability to work reliably and accurately under pressure;
  • Strong personal commitment.

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Hays Luxembourg

65 Avenue de la Gare
1611 Luxembourg

Recrutement Hays Luxembourg

Administrative assistant M/W

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Administrative assistant M/W


Formats supportés :
.pdf, .doc, .docx, .odt (taille max : 10 mo).

Ex : Lettre de motivation, portfolio, etc.

Formats supportés :
.pdf, .doc, .docx, .odt, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif (taille max : 10 mo).

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le 14 juin