Tax & Legal Trainee - 6 months internship at least as from January

Publiée le 01/02/2025



Temps de travail
Langues parlées
Niveau d'étude

Tax & Legal Trainee

(6 months internship at least as from January)


The mission

We are looking for an intern to assist and support the Tax and Legal Department in day-to-day business and corporate matters.


Main objectives of the role

  • Making researches within Tax & Legal database, jurisprudence etc…
  • Drafting internal notes and letters
  • Helping with corporate tax matters (e.g. refund of withholding taxes,...)
  • Reviewing/drafting/analysing agreements
  • Reviewing files submitted by internal stakeholders (e.g. operational teams)
  • Helping in drafting articles/newsletters …
  • Filing


Profile of our Future Teammate

  • Law student at a French, Belgian or Luxembourg university
  • Fluent in French and/or English (at least)
  • Sense of organization
  • Respect of deadlines
  • Adaptability


Are you interested in working for a growing Luxembourg based life insurance company?

Jump into the adventure and join a team with a supportive and collaborative working environment. We encourage all applications and would be pleased to welcome you for an interview.

Postulez en ligne

Tax & Legal Trainee - 6 months internship at least as from January


Formats supportés :
.pdf, .doc, .docx, .odt (taille max : 10 mo).

Ex : Lettre de motivation, portfolio, etc.

Formats supportés :
.pdf, .doc, .docx, .odt, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif (taille max : 10 mo).

Profitez-en pour créer un compte gratuit et sécurisé afin de rejoindre la communauté

Utilisez au moins huit caractères avec des lettres, un chiffre et un symbole

Chez nous veillons à la sécurité de tes données. Ton compte n’apparaîtra jamais publiquement. Nous respectons les paramètres de confidentialité que tu définis. Seules les entreprises pour lesquelles tu postules ou celles utilisant la CVthèque peuvent avoir accès à ton profil, si tu l’as décidé.

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