Postdoctoral researcher in Psychology

Publiée le 11/01/2025

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Université du Luxembourg

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About the FHSE

The University of Luxembourg is an international research university with a distinctly multilingual and interdisciplinary character.

The Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) at the University of Luxembourg brings together expertise from the humanities, linguistics, cognitive sciences, social and educational sciences.
People from across 20 disciplines are working within the
Faculty. Along with the disciplinary approach a very ambitious interdisciplinary research culture has been developed. The faculty's research and teaching focuses on social, economic, political and educational issues with the common goal of contributing to an inclusive, open and resourceful society.

Within the framework of the WELLMOD project: "A WELLbeing Simulation MODel for Enhancing Wellbeing for the Future" we are looking for one post-doctoral researcher to conduct cutting-edge multidisciplinary research.

There are increasing calls by international organisations, governments, and the general public to put the wellbeing of the people at the heart of policy design. However, there currently exists no framework or method of how to put these calls into practice. The WELLMOD research-team will develop a micro-simulation model to evaluate the impacts of a variety of different policies on both lifetime wellbeing and the public purse. The model will be developed in close cooperation with its end users, involving think tanks, civil society, and policy-makers at EU/European and national levels. This practical tool will then allow policy-makers to select those policies that yield the highest wellbeing benefit per cost, and so maximise wellbeing in society subject to budget constraints.

The post-doctoral researcher will be member of the Department of Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences, of the University of Luxembourg. The post-doctoral researcher will be supervised by Profs. Conchita D'Ambrosio (WELLMOD PI), Anna Kornadt and Claus Vögele.

Your role

  • Analyses of the different concepts of well-being, their determinants and how they would change as a result of alternative policy interventions. This work will include reviewing the existing research in Psychology on the wellbeing measures of life satisfaction, positive and negative affect, and eudaimonia
  • Conduct quantitative analyses on the Luxembourgish dataset, PSELL (Panel Socio-Economique Liewen zu Lëtzebuerg), to simulate the impacts of different policies on both individual wellbeing and the public purse
  • Be responsible with the research-team for the curation of the psychological evidence on the measurement and determinants of wellbeing
  • Contribute to the discussion of health-related policy
  • Disseminate results through scientific publications, workshops and conferences
  • Interact with the research-team members and colleagues, and participate in project meetings
  • Contribute to the preparation of research proposals

Your profile

  • Ph.D. in Psychology or related disciplines.
  • Experience in research related to well-being and mental health is an asset
  • Experience in handling longitudinal and cross-sectional datasets;
  • Extensive experience in quantitative research and related software ( e.g., R, Mplus, Stata, etc.)
  • Fluent in English (speaking and writing)

We offer

  • Multilingual and international character. Modern institution with a personal atmosphere. Staff coming from 90 countries. Member of the "University of the Greater Region" (UniGR)
  • A modern and dynamic university. High-quality equipment. Close ties to the business world and to the Luxembourg labour market. A unique urban site with excellent infrastructure
  • A partner for society and industry. Cooperation with European institutions, innovative companies, the Financial Centre and with numerous non-academic partners such as ministries, local governments, associations, NGOs …

How to apply

Applications should include:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Cover letter
  • Research summary with a list of publications (including those in preparation)
  • Contact details of two individuals who are willing to provide a letter of recommendation

Copies of relevant academic transcripts will be requested at some point during the selection process. All correspondence should be in English.

Early application is highly encouraged, as the applications will be processed upon reception. To ensure full consideration, candidates should apply by 01/02/2025 ONLINE formally through the HR system. Applications by Email will not be considered.

All qualified individuals are encouraged to apply. In line with our values, the University of Luxembourg promotes an inclusive culture. We encourage applications from individuals of all backgrounds and are dedicated to upholding equality and respect for our employees and students.

General information:

  • Contract Type: Fixed Term Contract 12 Months
  • Work Hours: Full Time 40.0 Hours per Week
  • Location: Campus Belval
  • Internal Title: Postdoctoral researcher
  • Job Reference: UOL06991

The yearly gross salary for every Postdoctoral Researcher at the UL is EUR 83099 (full time).

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Université du Luxembourg

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L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette

Recrutement Université du Luxembourg

Postdoctoral researcher in Psychology

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Postdoctoral researcher in Psychology


Formats supportés :
.pdf, .doc, .docx, .odt (taille max : 10 mo).

Ex : Lettre de motivation, portfolio, etc.

Formats supportés :
.pdf, .doc, .docx, .odt, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif (taille max : 10 mo).

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