My Life in Luxembourg: a French Digital Marketer's point of view

Oriane MARTINavatar

Publié le 03/01/2018, par Oriane MARTIN

You may not know, but Luxembourg is a hyper multicultural country located in the middle of Europe. To make you discover its labor market and the diversity of people who live and work there, we decided to interview each month someone about his/her life in Luxembourg! Let’s start with the experience of Virginie, a French marketer who has been working there since 2013.

The first thing you would ask to someone living in France and working in Luxembourg is: “How did you get there?” Virginie was looking for a job in October in 2013. She lived in Metz in France, not so far from Luxembourg. Pure coincidence: she went to a job fair organized by Moovijob in Metz. She gave resumes to recruiters and afterwards, a recruiting agency contacted her for a job in digital marketing in Luxembourg.

After five years of working experience, we asked her what were the  3 things she liked the most in Luxembourg regarding the working environment. She told us about real subjects that matter such as multilingualism.  Indeed, we count more than 150 nationalities in Luxembourg and 51 % of the work force are cross-border workers and foreigners.  She also evoked high wages, and it’s true that Luxembourg has the second highest salaries in Europe and its purchasing power is one of the best in the world  (see our article about this topic). Finally, she raised the point of the income tax waived at source in the Grand-Duchy in comparison to France, where it is not already established.

When asked about what she doesn’t like at work, Virginie says: the fact that in her jobs she needs to speak Luxembourgish to build her career  (see our article about languages spoken in Luxembourg at work).

We also wanted to obtain her view concerning Luxembourg in general. She raised our attention on the fact that Luxembourg is a small country, so it is very important to network and to remain in good terms while changing of a job. In short, there is one thing she really dislikes: the fact that you need to have strings pulled for you.

Furthermore, the attractivity of Luxembourg City and its transportation network are considerable advantages according to Virginie.

You want to find a job in Luxembourg? Check more than 4000 job offers on!

Photo: Guy Wolff

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