Accountant (H/F)

Publiée le 29/04/2024

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Harry Hope.

  • L-1616
  • Entre 45k et 60k € / an

Temps de travail
Type de contrat
Expérience professionnelle
Niveau d'étude
Harry Hope, cabinet de recrutement accompagne candidats et entreprises dans leurs recherches des meilleures opportunités en France et à l'international. Afin de mieux répondre à vos enjeux, tous nos consultants sont spécialisés par secteur d'activité et zone géographique.


- Bookkeeping/Accounting of Companies (in particular companies holding real estate portfolios)
- Advance VAT returns
- Preparation (Participation in Preparation) of Annual Accounts and (consolidated) Reportings
- Participation in workflow: Procurement-, Payment- and Approval-Processes
- Corporate Secretary (Preparation of Board-; Manager and Shareholder Meetings/Resolutions)
- Language: French/English
- German speaking not required, but reading abilities are essential (invoices/orders...)
- Software: Word/Excel/Outlook, Bob or Gesall


* The candidate should work full-time
* The candidate will take over independently real estate companies after a training period by the leaving employee and the other colleagues
* Strong support between the team members
* The candidate will have to deal with German documents (Invoices/Orders). Therefore basic German reading
* The ongoing bookkeeping is carried out in Germany. The candidate has to do additional Luxembourgish entries and adjustments in Lux GAAP (Gesall)
* MS Office
* 2-3 years experiences
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Harry Hope.

5 Place de la Gare
L-1616 Luxembourg

Recrutement Harry Hope.

Accountant (H/F)

Postulez en ligne

Accountant (H/F)


Formats supportés :
.pdf, .doc, .docx, .odt (taille max : 10 mo).

Ex : Lettre de motivation, portfolio, etc.

Formats supportés :
.pdf, .doc, .docx, .odt, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif (taille max : 10 mo).

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