German-speaking HVAC technician (M/F)

Publiée le 27/04/2024

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Harry Hope.

Temps de travail
Type de contrat
Langues parlées
Expérience professionnelle
Harry Hope, cabinet de recrutement accompagne candidats et entreprises dans leurs recherches des meilleures opportunités en France et à l'international. Afin de mieux répondre à vos enjeux, tous nos consultants sont spécialisés par secteur d'activité et zone géographique.


- Production and distribution of cooling
- Heat generation and distribution
- Production and distribution of electricity (low and medium voltage)
- Hydraulic/electromechanical
- Regulation
- Operation and maintenance of CHP and technical building systems (heating, cooling, ventilation systems and building management systems)


- The ideal candidate has a solid electromechanical education and has acquired the necessary experience in plant engineering through their work in the profession
- Professional experience in HVAC, as well as hydraulics and control technology
- Reliable - flexible - customer-oriented - service-oriented
- German spoken and written
- English and/or French are an advantage
- You enjoy working in a team and can also work independently if required
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Harry Hope.

5 Place de la Gare
L-1616 Luxembourg

Recrutement Harry Hope.

German-speaking HVAC technician (M/F)

Postulez en ligne

German-speaking HVAC technician (M/F)


Formats supportés :
.pdf, .doc, .docx, .odt (taille max : 10 mo).

Ex : Lettre de motivation, portfolio, etc.

Formats supportés :
.pdf, .doc, .docx, .odt, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif (taille max : 10 mo).

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